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Meetings held monthly.

When:       The 2nd Monday of the month, excludes July, August.
                   Carving seminars may be offered on a more frequent basis.

Who:         Guests are always welcome.

Where:      Meetings are held at the 40 & 8 Club (across the street from Gleason Works) 933A University Avenue, Rochester, New York:  Social Time from 6:30 to 7:00 PM.  General Meeting and/or programs from 7 to 8:30 PM.   Club classes will be offered in March and April 2024.

6:30 - 7:00 PM: Open time for socializing, informal coaching or critiquing, browsing the library, welcoming new members and guests, and announcements.
7:00 - 8:30 PM:
Open carving time and/or demos.
8:30 PM: Room cleanup

2024-2025 Meeting Schedule:

December   9:  Potluck Social
January     13:  TBD - Speaker or open carving
February   10:  One-Hour Carving Competition
March       10:  Club Carving Classes
March 21 & 22:  Collaboration with RWS - Chip carving (Dennis Wilson)

Note:  In the event of a meeting cancellation due to inclement weather, members will be notified as follows:

1.  Members with email addresses on file will be notified the day of cancellation via email.

2.  Notification of the cancellation will be posted on this website.  

3.  Members with no email or computer access should ask a fellow member who is "online."

Need a Mentor?  Inquire at the next meeting or email us on the Contact page.
