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Monthly Meeting:
Monday, June 10, 2024 at 6:30 pm at the 40/8 Club.  The June meeting will be the sub sandwich social and class project show and tell.  If you took a spring club class, please bring your carving to share.  It doesn't have to be finished, we will group the carvings by class topic.

Comfort bird collection:
Don Rowe recently delivered more than 60 comfort birds to Golisano Children’s Hospital. Thanks to all who contributed to this project.

Share your photos: 
Have you completed anything new?  Send a photo to Susie for inclusion in the gallery section of the newsletter.  There is no newsletter in July and August.  September newsletter deadline is August 21, 2024.

It's important to take care of your hands and wrists to avoid overuse injuries.  Here are some stretches that may help:  8 Essential Stretches for Woodcarvers

Follow us on Facebook - search for Genesee Valley Woodcarvers club page
